1. What is the fastest way to contact Thien Long Group?

Answer: There are 3 ways:

1. Contact us via the contact section on the website.
2. Call the corporate hotline: (+84) 28 3750 55 55 for support instructions.
3. You can also refer to the phone numbers for contacting the Regional Directors or the system of Tan Luc companies here.

2. Where can I find the information about Thien Long Group's products?

Answer: All of Thien Long Group's products are in the digital catalogue. You can download here

3. Colokit's products are surely safe for children health and nontoxic?

Answer: Protecting children's health is the first and most important concern of Thien Long Group. Colokit products strictly comply with ASTM D-4236, EN 71/3 standards. (Any potential harm in the product will be clearly indicated on the package).

4. How many brand does Thien Long Group have currently?

Answer: Thien Long Group currently owns and develops 5 brands simultaneously: TL, FlexOffice, Bizner, Điểm 10 and Colokit. These 5 brands are different items corresponding to each customer segment that Thien Long targets. Except for familiar products with Thien Long trademark, Thien Long Group also has FlexOffice brand for office workers, Điểm 10 for primary students, Bizner with business style and Colokit line specialising in coloring and wax modeling for children.